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Douglas College | 课程代写作业代写
代写CMNS 1115 Practical Writing课程作业

ESSAYSHIFU 是留学生写作综合服务机构 R&D Writing 旗下独立子品牌,提供学术论文定制写作essay代写作业代写综合解决方案。旗下700余名专家、顾问和写手精通于各自领域的写作任务,全部拥有丰富的执业经历,能够胜任并完美提供各类学校、各个学科、各种类型的定制写作和代写服务。

其中,Douglas College | 是我们已提供代写服务(含作文批改)的众多院校之一,并为客户提供了代写CMNS 1115 Practical Writing课程的高质量定制写作和指导服务,旗下专家写手可以快速、准确的完成 CMNS 1115 Practical Writing 课程及其相关课程中所包含的各类写作任务。

课程(项目)简介:CMNS 1115 Practical Writing课程作业代写

This course helps to prepare students for the complex writing tasks required in the workplace. Students learn rhetorical and genre theory and practise reader-based strategies for writing clear and concise workplace documents. This involves learning to differentiate between the different aims or purposes of workplace writing, analyzing and practising the conventions for achieving these purposes, and creating readable documents in a variety of written genres. Students also learn and practise the basic research skills of identifying, summarizing, and citing appropriate sources.

学校简介:Douglas College | 代写服务

道格拉斯学院(Douglas College )成立于1970,该校为加拿大最大的公立学院之一,具有三个校园,离温哥华二十五分钟车程,每年该校约有16,000学分学生,8500继续教育学生,3000国际学生来自超过90个国家和地区。道格拉斯学院提供副学士文凭,学士学位及转学分课程。

